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[소통] Lisa includs lyrics about racism in her solo song?
2024.07.01 15:01
조회 19추천 0스크랩 0
When her solo song first came out, there were many reactions that the "Japanese, Japanese" part was annoying, but opinions varied depending on the interpretation of the lyrics.
Even for a world-class celebrity and artist like Lisa,
there are ignorant people who ask her to teach them Japanese just because she's part of an Asian girl group.
She just says "Yes, yes" to them,
but in reality, she's an amazing rock star~
Luxury brands from all over the world send her gifts.
Every place she goes becomes her city.
That's the kind of person she is~
Anyway, the conclusion is Lisa is awesome...!
작성자 sjNarwhal707
신고글 Lisa includs lyrics about racism in her solo song?
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