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    [소통] BLACKPINK's Jennie pursues the person who impersonated her Father.

    상세페이지 메뉴

    BLACKPINK Jennie purses someone who impersonated her Father about selling books.



    Jennie's agency, OA Entertainment, recently said that an illegally produced publication impersonating the artist's father was being circulated. 


    They stated that this was not true and had nothing to do with Jennie.


    Below is the official statement from Jennie's agency.


    Jennie's agency's official statement

    This is OA Entertainment.

    We would like to thank all the fans who love and care for our artist Jenny.


    Recently, illegally produced publications and fake news containing false information impersonating the artist's father have continued to be distributed. We would like to clearly state that this is clearly false and has absolutely nothing to do with the artist. Please be careful about purchasing illegally produced publications and take special care to avoid any damage in this regard. We are taking legal action, including filing a criminal complaint, against the spreader through a law firm on grounds such as defamation by spreading false information and obstruction of business.


    In addition, our company is taking legal action against authors of malicious posts such as defamation, sexual harassment, and malicious slander by spreading false information about artists. Since such an act is a clear crime, we would like to inform you that we will continue to take strong legal action without leniency based on the evidence collected.


    We will continue to do our best to protect the rights and interests of our artists.


    Thank you.



    BLINKs should never be fooled and should not be fooled by illegal publications, so please be careful!

    I hope all the people who are bothering Jennie go away. 😭😭


    Jennie needs to sue this bad guy and make an example of him. I think that then the number of people who commit crimes will decrease. 🙏


    작성자 ywVervetMonkey995

    신고글 BLACKPINK's Jennie pursues the person who impersonated her Father.

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