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[소통] BOYNEXTDOOR comeback in September! Comeback date, Album, Schedule etc
BOYNEXTDOOR will comeback in September!
BOYNEXTDOOR released a comeback preview video titled ‘The Beginning of Countdown: 19.99’ through the YouTube channel at 10PM on the 12th.
Through the subtitle ‘2024.09.09 18:00 (KST)’, I could see that they would be making a comeback on September 9th.
COMEBACK DATE: 2024.09.09 18:00 (KST)
If you check the teaser for this album, it seems to have a retro concept 😲
‘19.99’ is an album released by BOYNEXTDOOR about 5 months after the 2nd mini album ‘HOW?’ released in April. They successfully completed their Japanese debut last July, and appear to be making a comeback in Korea in September.
This album is expected to compete with ZB1 and TWS 😅
I hope BOYNEXTDOOR takes first place this time! ❤️😍
작성자 ywVervetMonkey995
신고글 BOYNEXTDOOR comeback in September! Comeback date, Album, Schedule etc
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