인기 게시판 TOP 50
Only if this time could pass fastly, we would could have been here together. Everyday waiting for you, wishing well for you, brings an unnamed emotion in me, feels that I should pull you out here, with us, with people who love you and respect you, but at last I'm only a human, human who wishes to have such power but doesn't has so. No matter what i do, these times are passing painfully slow, reminding me every now and then that you're still not here.
There's nothing more i wish to do than to show you that we believed in you, we believe in you and in future we'll believe you. Your ARMY is still here where you left, rooting for you, praying for you.
Keep believing in us also💜
작성자 jahanavisingh15
신고글 Missing my anpanman
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