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[소통] bts jimin solo comeback date, timeline, schedule (+2nd solo album 'MUSE' tracklist)
2024.07.17 17:24
조회 48추천 3스크랩 0
bts jimin is having a solo comback with his second album 'muse'
his solo comback song release date is July 19th 1pm (kst)
I'm so excited for his new song, "muse"!
did you guys watch jimin's new comback song 'who' mv teaser?
also there will be jimin's album release parties in la and nyc!!
jimin's solo comback party will be held at 7/21 8:30pm
so if you leave nearby don't miss this chance!
also you can check jimin's solo comeback timeline in this post!!
and here are jimin's solo album 'MUSE' tracklist
what song are you expecting most?
작성자 sjNarwhal707
신고글 bts jimin solo comeback date, timeline, schedule (+2nd solo album 'MUSE' tracklist)
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