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[전체] BTS Jimin's father fanmeeting is canceled bc jimin benefit CONTROVERSY?
2024.08.16 17:39
조회 36추천 1스크랩 0
Fans are surprised that BTS Jimin's father created and sold merchandise with his own autograph to celebrate the opening of a café in Japan.
Many are concerned, wondering if it's exploiting Jimin's fame...
He even announced a fan meeting, but it seems to have been canceled due to heavy criticism.
What do you think? Does it seem like they're taking advantage of Jimin's image?
Some fans support the fan meeting, saying it could help satisfy the longing to see Jimin, and they also point out that Jimin's father has been consistently donating to charity...
I hope no trouble comes Jimin's way
작성자 sjNarwhal707
신고글 BTS Jimin's father fanmeeting is canceled bc jimin benefit CONTROVERSY?
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