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[All] Have you heard the news that Wooyoung became the first MC to be commissioned for the R&D variety show OTV?

Have you heard the news that Wooyoung became the first MC to be commissioned for the R&D variety show OTV?

Have you heard the news that Wooyoung became the first MC to be commissioned for the R&D variety show OTV?

Have you heard the news that Wooyoung took on his first solo entertainment show since his debut as an MC?

I became an MC on a YouTube channel called Client.

Episode 2 is already out. The first episode is about going to Barun Chicken.

Even though he was a first-time MC, he did a good job with the interview and I think the show was fun to watch.

It's uploaded to YouTube every Thursday at 6pm.

The banter was really funny and witty. I think I'm looking forward to the next episode.


Author jsBaboon201

Post 우영님이 첫 R&D 예능 오오티비 의뢰자 MC가 되었다는 소식 들으셨나요

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