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[talk] Choosing between a pakku and natural as seen in Espa

솔직히 이 비주얼 is 뭔들이지만..
빡꾸 vs 내추럴 취향 골라보자






 PART 1 카리나 



스토리 핀 이미지Choosing between a pakku and natural as seen in Espa




스토리 핀 이미지스토리 핀 이미지














 PART 2 윈터 



스토리 핀 이미지Choosing between a pakku and natural as seen in Espa












Choosing between a pakku and natural as seen in EspaChoosing between a pakku and natural as seen in Espa















 PART 3 지젤



스토리 핀 이미지스토리 핀 이미지













Choosing between a pakku and natural as seen in Espa

Choosing between a pakku and natural as seen in Espa








 PART 4 닝닝



스토리 핀 이미지

스토리 핀 이미지


























Choosing between a pakku and natural as seen in EspaChoosing between a pakku and natural as seen in Espa









당신의 선택은?



난 빡리나 델터 델젤 빡닝







































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Author kkwwmj0342

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