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[All] News that GD-nim clicked the like button on the vote for or against Kim Soo-hyun's departure from Good Day

News that GD-nim clicked the like button on the vote for or against Kim Soo-hyun's departure from Good DayNews that GD-nim clicked the like button on the vote for or against Kim Soo-hyun's departure from Good Day

You know that Kim Soo Hyun often appeared on G-Dragon's Good Day, right?
Kim Soo-hyun, who has been creating all sorts of issues these days, said he had decided not to attend today's recording, but then changed his mind and appeared.
I don't know what the meaning of forcing his appearance is, but there is news that G-Dragon liked the post for voting for or against Kim Soo-hyun's departure.


Author inLlama133

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