
[talk] Bang may just be a person who has just low social tendencies..

Couple things to say about Bang’s texts in MHJ’s press conference and recent greeting stuff:

MHJ accused Bang of having weird tone when he texted her “즐거우세요?” or “are you happy?” and that was one of the central things she put out there about Bang.


This is from Jin’s conversation with Bang that Jin shared (a long time ago with the public before any of this drama) which shows Bang talking using the same style - from the context Jin likely did something that Bang did not know was going to happen - don’t know exactly:


Bang: “are you having fun?ㅎ”

Jin: “because I’m handsome”

Jin: “it’s fun”

Jindouble thumbs up emoji

Bang: “lol then I won’t have fun even if I go there”

Bang: “it was good choice to just edit music videos here T_T”

Bang: “now, let’s focus on the stage!”


I 100% get why “are you happy?” or “are you having fun?” could sound like a pointed tone but given how Jin who knows him super well interacts with him, I honestly personally think Bang might just be the opposite of slick haired smooth talker type and may just have certain unpolished quirks in the way he communicates.


Even with the recent greeting news which assumed Bang ignored NJ on purpose (which Hybe declined as being true), V also said in the past that Bang for didn’t recognize him for like a year and is bad with greeting when BTS was having a roast of Bang ( - also there were Hybe employee posts from Blind that just says Bang doesn’t answer greetings in general - maybe Bang has his head buried in emails and like a small hello coming from the corner is just background noise of one of hundreds of trainees or baristas or IT guys that he may walk past nonstop everyday.


Bang may just be a person who has just low social tendencies, which I’m not saying is good, but it’s not something to stone the guy over either. Or maybe the worst assumptions we can make about him are true or it could be anywhere in between, who knows - just saying MHJ has been playing the tone and intentions and appeals to emotions card a lot instead of facing the criminal claims directly.

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Author ywVervetMonkey995

Post Bang may just be a person who has just low social tendencies..

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