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[All] ENHYPEN, Musical Challenge Passed… World Tour ing → Entering Coachella
# Showing the team identity while expanding the music spectrum… catching both
ENHYPEN fully demonstrated the essence of 'the strongest dark fantasy' with their 2nd regular repackage album 'ROMANCE: UNTOLD -daydream-'. Having continued their own unique album narrative since their debut, they once again solidified their team identity by excellently incorporating vampire elements into their music.
At the same time, they tried to grow by challenging themselves with new music genres. While Enhypen showed a sweet charm in their previous work, they showed a mature beauty in their new title song 'No Doubt'. In 'Daydream', they expanded their musical spectrum by trying out the whisper rap and urban hip-hop genres. They proved their reputation as a performance powerhouse with a variety of concepts, from restrained sexiness to a unique hip-hop mood.
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