Best TOP 50 Boards
[List of Winners] ๐Congratulations on winning 10,000 won from Naver Pay! 23rd comment king payment
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*As previously announced, comments written in one sentence
Please note that spam-like comments will be excluded from the list of winners.
๐Comment King 23rd Prize Payment List
๐Naver Pay 10,000 won voucher
54Salamander305 | kbHorse917 | liPanda40 | soOstrich404 |
suSloth537 | boXerus394 | warni0083 | dkStarfish511 |
haMeerkat423 | kgTapir419 | duSalamander253 | mrj2cn99ww |
dlPenguin404 | yoGoat80 | rlSquirrel586 | kmjun2202 |
peTiger390 | kyDog297 | yuMongoose853 | Useful |
Come here | keStarfish733 | inLlama133 | j8283559 |
keGazelle488 | seoian777 | y8Zebra997 | Jajaj2 |
dlskdus7443 | njXerus377 | wlChinchilla395 | Yongyong07 |
acFlamingo944 | ccOctopus46 | ssTarsier809 | Sunshine |
Yebbangsun | maChimpanzee241 | woJackal772 | daHorse666 |
Pea Love | seLizard381 | smj5291 | crLlama706 |
Shine shine | Mengryong | Yopokki | nago1010 |
miTapir453 | wpxlcjstk1 | Autumn strong pai | leQuokka102 |
tnZonkey963 | Mackerel | suUmbrellabird821 | nuArmadillo657 |
24Crocodile32 | dbToucan625 | apOctopus123 | d6shgm8gbb |
7cVulture969 | Wong Wong | wwfetkd14 | uto4489 |
blMongoose789 | gprhtjq | Yorrehiyo | ariarii90 |
vvHedgehog516 | forfree710 | seHedgehog609 | liNarwhal12 |
raSloth291 | jaPenguin430 | dhymfbx2232 | Never die |
kaPangolin252 | fallplus777 | xyJackal936 | dhldnwlak |
Irinirlonvi | daQuetzal307 | soKangaroo921 | caXerus334 |
Bear | isPenguin280 | yseungrok | Neat |
Gomblanc | doldol2world | a4Seal738 | magamo |
gabin05 | saPeacock515 | cyGoat32 | grUmbrellabird115 |
Whipped cream scones | Junjunjunjun | ypMonkey730 | beFlamingo714 |
Daepakkungya | pranasumm | lsHippopotamus730 | kiChinchilla900 |
noLemur776 | douyydoutt | sgLemur236 | biSeal289 |
jsBaboon201 | kiZonkey901 | n4Kookaburra967 |
๐Naver Pay 7,000 won voucher
*Please note that in the case of Naver Pay 7,000 won notes, they will be sent in 5,000 won and 2,000 won notes.
naJellyfish73 | jcGazelle891 | dhJellyfish402 | suSalamander733 |
viBison776 | foFennec Fox946 | aloha | Too the di |
miGorilla818 | soTarsier176 | Good | Mango Cotton Candy |
seRaccoon163 | soJellyfish353 | ppGoat116 | adArmadillo344 |
Cool cool cool | Gugu Nyang Nyang | yyXerus643 | taX-rayTetra811 |
Baby Goyoung | Kwarururing | A day like a gift | noCoyote119 |
loVampire Bat702 | muDuck944 | okX-rayTetra853 | ohFlamingo850 |
jaX-ray Tetra157 | Let's go | Teacher Rihanna | bhBuffalo60 |
x9tb8dy68f | sjOstrich739 | qmffn1614 | blKookaburra825 |
niYak393 | su6675000 | xo12 | blKangaroo918 |
wkWallaby590 | rokpks32 | lpKoala75 | haDolphin787 |
Bling Deco | The sound of the wind | yiUmbrellabird977 | inRaccoon914 |
baHawk137 | suZebra199 | woKangaroo853 | polkmnmklop |
ahStarfish913 | Clumsy and thumping | Red bean bread | inTapir399 |
heBison517 | goKookaburra405 | seKangaroo468 | ajUakari917 |
lhJaguar635 | diAlligator418 | gh2449 | yoHorse804 |
dlStarfish728 | chRaccoon413 | Vanbrus | ssJellyfish780 |
01Wombat533 | haIguana637 | suToucan67 | giHorse8 |
n7Nightingale375 | geLeopard791 | doYak297 | mePangolin853 |
suhyang365 | bbSloth140 | Ice Cream Waffle | daDolphin60 |
ymKangaroo344 | seHippopotamus36 | jeYak766 | haMeerkat418 |
nnn7354 | huPangolin18 | Nangnangssu | etRaccoon769 |
suXerus752 | gmIguana187 | smVervet Monkey783 | dmPolar Bear708 |
dlBlack Bear964 | deeeh | grSalamander780 | noSquirrel769 |
poMongoose803 | Subtracted product | ohBlack Bear185 | ouDolphin891 |
g9Tiger402 | luGibbon874 | hiPangolin924 | Gangji cat |
maRaccoon436 | hiSquirrel427 | cjGorilla396 | Almond milk |
Medicinal rice | maGazelle252 | jkJaguar503 | ljBaboon873 |
gh0 | goPanda20 | mngxdhjkl | kke2450 |
faSquirrel809 | joQuokka74 | jiGazelle389 | orRaccoon449 |
myBuffalo787 | sungjin4770 | rkVervet Monkey396 | icandoit1130 |
๐Naver Pay 5,000 won voucher
thToucan790 | buTapir941 | haChimpanzee152 | grRhinoceros138 |
ckadlek12 | doLion86 | kiming54 | gpfla1330 |
DevaCassel | dkJellyfish810 | edCoyote462 | n2Uakari409 |
ljr0212 | tyKoala669 | Blinking blinking | sparrow |
dlXerus262 | Moon Moon Mom | Hahahoho01 | mind |
Mango Mango Love | maSloth23 | istjistp | qlToucan676 |
Keichi | New Longji 0205 | nuguseo | maldmz |
Caprica | sbBuffalo797 | tsPeacock908 | kwodnsll |
phJaguar697 | plX-ray Tetra578 | Neon Cloud | 7qGiraffe975 |
11Nightingale39 | 92Hawk752 | Courageous | jjying |
Sweet potato pizza is delicious | jwTapir986 | chYak337 | ekMeerkat927 |
Round | heUakari642 | Yayhoya | koQuokka866 |
Sunshine91 | cpPangolin486 | Honey Hotteok Flavor | khLynx118 |
tmfrl3012 | cokkkoko | sleepy | dnManatee878 |
ziMonkey76 | Grape Pang | naMeerkat691 | wjOstrich41 |
Munimo | violet020202 | ktChimpanzee730 | pkqlsx887900 |
Kongyaya | pnWombat800 | eoUakari407 | hySalamander77 |
leCat248 | dhdid74 | mcFlamingo472 | apple935678 |
ilToucan433 | kge5957 | Now | mmak |
gwTiger99 | Anna is not leaving | oozy1004 | odSalamander102 |
It's soooooo | lovehao | eumlee913 | won999 |
Commentator | noGazelle925 | evTapir647 | kkkzzz1 |
Yoon Byung-yi | hsQuetzal8 | 88181 | ccGibbon809 |
Yaw yaw meow meow | ysTapir785 | jsIguana402 | isDog541 |
myHawk223 | shWallaby690 | sudambi0424 | dripping |
Chocolate flavor | shHamster145 | smOctopus465 | 4035 |
Kim Sook-young | ysOcelot522 | eugene | puLynx214 |
blOstrich113 | dhFennec Fox794 | pah659 | riHamster635 |
hjRaccoon571 | ghHamster120 | Cut me off | toArmadillo941 |
ovTarsier258 | sgElephant130 | goBuffalo545 | trLemur414 |
ysGibbon50 | esWallaby108 | baGiraffe782 | mjr8xrhgjc |
Run | ysBison414 | Always Daniel's sideHERE | mjLlama991 |
thOstrich324 | qxRaccoon328 | 97Otter866 | mingg1 |
inKoala26 | Kamgo Jeonwonwoo | nuLizard833 | akQuetzal337 |
Anything or | giGazelle717 | yunnyy | Free Eagle |
hoSalamander265 | smOtter637 | gkJaguar169 | Ning Neng |
luckycookie | naGoat803 | suTapir845 | sartrejr7 |
soWombat891 | doHedgehog481 | enOctopus732 | miGibbon219 |
Shuan | juGibbon874 | suGoat732 | Serani |
Melon Girl | naTarsier424 | hoSquirrel147 | Green Tangerine |
gpKookaburra777 | akZonkey896 | milolong | ysSalamander405 |
llily036565 | kiLlama977 | shPolar Bear418 | hdSloth455 |
doBuffalo750 | juGibbon912 | dBuydGGv | raKangaroo516 |
I am the original star country | jhJellyfish381 | loTapir556 | woChimpanzee808 |
Gyrotonic | ruPanda916 | tuGorilla345 | I'll try it now |
nrwmpv88nh | erPenguin954 | dmLemur998 | okHedgehog586 |
Sugar Cream Latte | duOstrich717 | I pass over the frozen Han River | l0Umbrellabird267 |
biZonkey422 | jeong93vv | nm62whhd4y | Pommy |
pjZebra53 | daitte99 | pkRaccoon101 | fxDog208 |
auxu2h | c1Manatee850 | puX-ray Tetra648 | Innocence |
50 million fans | seolayun270 | leCrocodile77 | kks110361 |
Miningningning | Night man | dlVulture606 | choijs8953 |
chGazelle971 | ysJackal347 | kiChinchilla786 | blBaboon656 |
Hello | Ber | ppQuokka7 | mjGiraffe55 |
quVulture664 | Dongle 1 | ngVampire Bat705 | wonnie0416 |
kdJackal918 | fyQuetzal630 | evJellyfish901 | Palplus |
wlTapir989 | Not decided | chewingcandytable | 33Wallaby556 |
ppseon00 | French fries | Lemon Labong | jkChimpanzee445 |
djLion449 | hmk37566 | >23dgrIguana310 | |
Baobab | isGoat693 | grKangaroo259 | jsCoyote509 |
Sunnyer | a0Jaguar496 | jjHamster851 | opJellyfish818 |
clPenguin76 | a0Jaguar224 | Juhachi | ddUakari645 |
๐Naver Pay 3,000 won voucher
joRhinoceros403 | haSeal310 | jwMeerkat895 |
x9vzt7tn4f | hjplus | snCoyote107 |
isVervet Monkey252 | reChimpanzee768 | reSalamander92 |
sjDolphin760 | Seongjinah | csm |
Shuhito | godkki511 | pjNige913 |
njune0107 | moKoala787 | hjk941 |
chZonkey109 | eh3279 | pjArmo481 |
sunjigwon074 | pjGorilla699 | hjr124 |
daBison508 |
๐Naver Pay 1,000 won voucher
reUakari495 | kiHorse97 | pie561 |
Schnilla | yjMongoose73 | hjdog391 |
jaRed Panda967 | Leming | hiJaguar2 |
Kim Jae-sik | tsYak33 | kiHippopotamus748 |
d1Yak898 | zmHk851 | aaOctopus677 |
๐ฌFor inquiries regarding the event,
Please contact us via Settings-Contact Us at the top right of the Fanplus app main screen.
When making an inquiry, please include the event name you participated in, your nickname, and the email account you submitted in the survey form!
โปIf there is no accurate information, guidance will be delayed .
Deadline for inquiries: One week after the announcement of winners (25.3.14 (Fri) ~ 25.3.21 (Fri ) 23:59)
Any inquiries received after this date will not be answered. Please make sure to check the inquiry deadline!
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