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[All] Ji Chang-wook is truly the ‘Prince of Disney’ ‘Gangnam B-side’ ranked 1st worldwide

Ji Chang-wook is truly the ‘Prince of Disney’ ‘Gangnam B-side’ ranked 1st worldwide

According to Flix Patrol, an OTT service ranking site, on November 25, the Disney+ Origi series 'Gangnam Be-Side' has maintained its No. 1 position in Korea for over a week, and has also ranked No. 1 in the Disney+ TV show category and No. 1 worldwide.

I'm enjoying watching it too!

But it's so provocative that I'm surprised

They say that's reality....


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Post 지창욱 ‘디즈니의 왕자’ 맞네 ‘강남 비-사이드’ 월드와이드 1위

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