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[All] Glory Brand Political Controversy, Apology Summary (+ Did You Post a Red Hello Kitty V Sign on Election Day?)
Fashion brand Gloney has recently found itself at the center of a political controversy. The cause of the controversy was a specific photo posted on Gloney’s official account on Election Day. The post appeared to be a simple image, but some netizens interpreted it as containing a specific political message.
1. What was the problem?
On Election Day, Glory posted an image on social media of a red Hello Kitty making a V sign with the number "2."
📍Red: Considered the symbolic color of a particular political party
📍Number 2 and V: Interpret in connection with voting symbols
After this image was released, many people raised suspicions that "the brand is revealing its political stance." Especially in a sensitive time like an election, such posts are unlikely to avoid controversy.
2. Glory's response: Apology statement |
As the controversy grew, Glory immediately posted an apology.
The main points are as follows:
📍There was no political intention
📍They stated that the image was simply intended to convey the brand's sentiment and did not contain any specific political message.
Glony stressed that he treats all his customers with respect and maintains a politically neutral stance.
The image in question was immediately removed, and the brand announced it would be strengthening its internal post review procedures.
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Author ysGorilla223
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