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[All] Why were Park Ha-myeong and Choi Ari pointed out as MBC weathercaster Oh Yo-anna's perpetrators? Profile, KakaoTalk content, testimony, suicide note summary

Recently, as the contents of the will of the late weathercaster Oh Yo-anna were revealed, suspicions of workplace bullying by MBC weathercasters are being raised.

In particular, weathercasters Park Ha-myeong and Choi A-rin are suspected of being the perpetrators, and their profiles, KakaoTalk messages, and even testimonies are all receiving attention.

In this article, we will summarize why the two people were identified as the perpetrators and the testimonies related to the contents of Oyoanna's will.

1. Contents of Oyoanna’s suicide note and suspicions about the perpetrator

When MBC weathercaster Oh Yo-anna suddenly passed away last September, the exact cause of death was not disclosed. However, when her family recently recovered Oh Yo-anna’s cell phone, a suicide note was discovered, and circumstances of workplace bullying were revealed.

Why were Park Ha-myeong and Choi Ari pointed out as MBC weathercaster Oh Yo-anna's perpetrators? Profile, KakaoTalk content, testimony, suicide note summaryWhy were Park Ha-myeong and Choi Ari pointed out as MBC weathercaster Oh Yo-anna's perpetrators? Profile, KakaoTalk content, testimony, suicide note summary

What was revealed in the will

(1) A complaint was recorded that two MBC weather casters had continuously harassed her.
(2) When errors occur, responsibility is repeatedly passed on to Oyoanna.
(3) It is said that they were forced to stay at the company after work hours and that there were actions that delayed leaving work by at least one hour.
(4) When it was decided to appear on 'You Quiz on the Block' in 2022, he said he heard abusive language such as "What can you say on You Quiz?"

2. MBC weather caster Park Ha-myeong and Choi A-rin's profile

Currently, weathercasters Park Ha-myeong and Choi A-rin are being pointed out online as the perpetrators who harassed Oyoanna.

So who are these two people?

(1) Park Ha-myeong Weathercaster Profile & Instagram

Why were Park Ha-myeong and Choi Ari pointed out as MBC weathercaster Oh Yo-anna's perpetrators? Profile, KakaoTalk content, testimony, suicide note summaryWhy were Park Ha-myeong and Choi Ari pointed out as MBC weathercaster Oh Yo-anna's perpetrators? Profile, KakaoTalk content, testimony, suicide note summary

• Born: November 17, 1989 (age 35)
• Education: Double major in Performance and Video Studies & Counseling Psychology, Handong University
• Career: Passed the 2018 MBC public recruitment for weather caster
Currently MBC News Today (weekdays), 930 MBC News Weathercaster
• Instagram: @happyhm3

▶ Park Ha-myeong's controversial points

The post written after Oyoanna's death has sparked controversy, with over 1,300 malicious comments posted on Instagram.
After appearing on You Quiz, some weathercasters, including Park Ha-myung, are suspected of creating a new group chatroom and excluding Oh Yo-anna and Geum Chae-rim. It also became a hot topic for a broadcast comment that became a political controversy in 2021.

(2) Choi Ari Weathercaster Profile & Instagram

Why were Park Ha-myeong and Choi Ari pointed out as MBC weathercaster Oh Yo-anna's perpetrators? Profile, KakaoTalk content, testimony, suicide note summaryWhy were Park Ha-myeong and Choi Ari pointed out as MBC weathercaster Oh Yo-anna's perpetrators? Profile, KakaoTalk content, testimony, suicide note summary

• Born: February 22, 1989 (age 35)
• Education: Graduated from Hanyang University ERICA Dance Department
• Career: KBS Jeju Broadcasting Station Weather Caster 2016~2018
August 2018 MBC public recruitment weather caster recruitment
Current MBC Newsdesk (weekdays) weather caster
• Instagram: @soul.ri

▶ Choi Ari's Controversial Points

After Oyoanna's death, there was controversy over the fact that she hastily added a mutual follow on Instagram, and she is suspected of being one of the two weathercasters who did not attend the funeral.

3. Fact check on the late weathercaster Oh Yo-anna

Why were Park Ha-myeong and Choi Ari pointed out as MBC weathercaster Oh Yo-anna's perpetrators? Profile, KakaoTalk content, testimony, suicide note summary

(1) There are two weathercasters who have been identified as perpetrators.
- At that time, there were a total of 6 MBC weathercasters, excluding Geum Chae-rim, who joined the company at the same time, and Kim Ga-young, who was also on the news.
- The people suspected of being the perpetrators are Park Ha-myeong and Choi A-ri.

(2) Income below minimum wage
- According to the bereaved family, annual income was approximately 16 million won.
- Weathercasters are contract workers or freelancers, but in reality, they are in an employment relationship.
- However, the concept of seniority is emphasized and verbal abuse and unfair treatment are avoided.

(3) Police and 119 dispatched after attempted suicide
- Attempted suicide a week before death
- At the time it was reported as a common injury, but later it was revealed to be an attempted suicide.

(4) The bereaved family files a civil suit against the weathercaster identified as the perpetrator.
- Currently preparing legal action

(5) Bullying after appearing on 'You Quiz'

Why were Park Ha-myeong and Choi Ari pointed out as MBC weathercaster Oh Yo-anna's perpetrators? Profile, KakaoTalk content, testimony, suicide note summary
- Some weathercasters, including Park Ha-myeong and Choi Ari, opened a group chatroom with only four people, excluding Oh Yo-anna and Geum Chae-rim.

⚠ There has been no official statement from MBC yet, and further investigation is needed.

4. Current situation and netizens’ reactions

Why were Park Ha-myeong and Choi Ari pointed out as MBC weathercaster Oh Yo-anna's perpetrators? Profile, KakaoTalk content, testimony, suicide note summary

▶ Malicious comments flood into Park Ha-myung and Choi A-rin’s Instagram
▶ Controversy continues on MBC’s internal Blind bulletin board
▶ Bereaved family plans to file civil suit against weathercasters identified as perpetrators
▶ MBC's official statement delayed, public opinion critical

Many people are angry that MBC has condoned workplace bullying and that the weathercasters accused of being the perpetrators have yet to provide a clear explanation.

The tragic death of weathercaster Oyoanna is not just a personal tragedy, but an incident that once again brings to light the seriousness of the problem of workplace bullying.

Currently, weathercasters Park Ha-myeong and Choi A-rin have been identified as the perpetrators, but this has not been officially confirmed.

MBC must conduct a thorough investigation, make a clear statement of its position, and take responsible action.




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Author 메추리알쏙쏙

Post MBC 기상캐스터 오요안나 가해자로 박하명 최아리가 지목된 이유? 프로필, 카톡 내용, 증언, 유서 총정리

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