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[All] SM 30th Anniversary Ji Sung's personal pictorial has great visuals

SM 30th Anniversary Ji Sung's personal pictorial has great visualsSM 30th Anniversary Ji Sung's personal pictorial has great visualsSM 30th Anniversary Ji Sung's personal pictorial has great visualsSM 30th Anniversary Ji Sung's personal pictorial has great visuals

These are really photos that made me gasp the moment I saw them.

I think it came out really well.

The combination of a pink knit and a checkered shirt is natural and pretty.

The facial expressions also came out really well, like a fashion magazine pictorial.

Items of Memories

I guess you've never used it before lol

The photo of you holding a camcorder and a Walkman is also very timeless.

I feel good haha

In an interview related to the 30th anniversary, we asked the members, "What does NCT Dream mean to me?"

Mr. Ji-seong also gave a great answer, saying, "It is a medium that connects me to my dreams and makes them come true."

You took some great pictures of yourself in this outfit.

SM 30th Anniversary Ji Sung's personal pictorial has great visuals

테마 배너 (1).png

Author suXerus752

Post sm 30주년 지성님 개인화보 멋진 비주얼이네요

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