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[All] Mark promoting his first album through Carrot Market

Mark promoting his first album through Carrot Market

Mark promoting his first album through Carrot Market

Mark promoting his first album through Carrot Market

Mark promoting his first album through Carrot MarketMark promoting his first album through Carrot MarketMark promoting his first album through Carrot MarketMark promoting his first album through Carrot MarketMark promoting his first album through Carrot Market

Promotional Mark Carrot Market Account

Mark's first solo album promotional YouTube video coming out on April 7th was uploaded last night.

A carrot account appears in the video ㅋㅋㅋ When fans looked for it themselves, they found it!

There's even verification from the official carrot account 👀

Even though it's for promotional purposes, the carrot posts are cute, lol

남자 아이돌 배너.png

Author 이리롱

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