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[talk] Controversy over Hive News Jeans bullying CCTV cover-up, why was only the 'ignored' video to Hani deleted?

There is a lot of talk among fans about the controversy over Hive's cover-up of the CCTV footage of New Jeans bullying, and why only the scene where Hani "ignores" was deleted. Fans are expecting a transparent investigation and responsible response from Hive, right?



There's a lot of talk among fans as the controversy surrounding Hive and New Jeans continues. This time, in particular, many people must be shocked by the news that the CCTV footage of Hani being 'ignored' has disappeared.

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CCTV cover-up controversy, why was the footage deleted?
It is said that the mothers of the members, including Hani's mother, raised this issue. A's mother said that the scene containing the 'ignore' comment was deleted by HYBE, and instead, only the scene where Hani greets was left. Isn't this really strange? It's hard for fans to understand why they didn't leave out the important moments and only left the normal scenes.

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Why was the video deleted? Is it because the person left the company?
According to B's mother, Hive explained that they do not know the reason because the person in charge of deleting the CCTV footage had resigned. The security team said that they followed work instructions and approval, and the superiors seemed to avoid responsibility by blaming the resigned employee. It is really frustrating for fans. The mothers also said that this situation was a mess and were very disappointed.

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Hive's position and fans' wishes
Hive says they are currently checking the facts. However, fans are hoping that Hive will conduct a proper investigation and respond responsibly. We hope that the company will resolve this issue more carefully and transparently so that the New Jeans members can work in a safe and happy environment.

What do you think about this incident, fans? Share your thoughts in the comments!



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Author sjNarwhal707

Post 하이브 뉴진스 따돌림 CCTV 은폐 논란, 하니에게 '무시해' 영상만 삭제된 이유는?

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