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[talk] Has anyone seen the episode of Somehow Country Diary that Joy appeared in?
Suddenly, has anyone seen this drama?
It was on Netflix
I saw it on Kakao
Anyway, it's a small rural romance
A rough city boy and a nosy country girl growl at each other and eventually fall in love and start dating.
It's a typical cliche drama, but I was able to watch it comfortably and enjoyably until the end because I knew the taste.
And Joy looks so pretty here
He's a police officer, so he's wearing a police uniform, and that look suits him so well. And his voice is so refreshing and cute, haha.
Every time Joy gets caught, a smile comes to my face. Haha
I'm so surprised at myself for having my mouth hooked to my ears..........^^;;
Anyway, it's on Netflix, and it's not that long of a drama, so if there's anyone who hasn't seen it, I recommend you check it out.
Author g9Tiger402
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