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[All] A hug from Rise that I hope will be called even after 10 years

A hug from Rise that I hope will be called even after 10 years

A hug from Rise that I hope will be called even after 10 years

A hug from Rise that I hope will be called even after 10 years

Rise's hug that I still can't lose...💙💙

RIIZE RISE's 'Hug' Stage Clip video has been released!

There are also scenes from rehearsals and practice rooms shown here and there, and the kids' visuals are really so pretty!

The beret-wearing Bin is so pretty and Eunseok with glasses is also so pretty

I still want to see Rise's hug stage in 10 yearsㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

The kids are too cute to end the hug activity like this...ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

Breeze is happy thanks to growls and hugs!

테마 배너 (1).png

Author 예빵순

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