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[talk] Tomorrow X Together 6th Debut Anniversary Timetable

Tomorrow X Together 6th Debut Anniversary Timetable

It's already been 6 years since the members of TUBATU debuted!

The members shared news about the '2025 DREAM WEEK' event to celebrate their 6th debut anniversary!

This event, DREAM WEEK, is an event where Tomorrow X Together celebrates their debut date, March 4th, with fans around the world!

Dream Week will run from the 25th to the 4th of next month, so I think fans will be really excited and looking forward to it!

It's been 6 years since your debut, you still feel like rookies, but I think you're doing great!

테마 배너.png

Author 예빵순

Post 투모로우바이투게더 데뷔 6주년 타임테이블

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