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[All] There's been chaos since yesterday due to Song Min-ho's negligence in public service.

I saw the Dispatch article yesterday...


It's really poor work;;;;; Song Minho's image was good;;; What's going on;;


I heard that he has symptoms of depression or panic disorder, despite the bright image shown on TV entertainment shows...


Still, I think I will be criticized for poor work to the extent that the article says.


There's not much time left until my discharge;;; Seriously......


These issues regarding celebrities' military service and public service never stop.



Winner member Song Min-ho embroiled in suspicions of poor social service performance. Reporter Lee Seon-myeong

It was confirmed on the 18th that the National Police Agency received a petition requesting an investigation into Winner member Song Min-ho, who is suspected of poor performance as a social service worker.

On this day, petitioner A filed a petition with the National Police Agency through the People's Petition Center, requesting that "Seoul Mapo Police Station thoroughly investigate Song Min-ho and Mr. A, the manager of Mapo Resident Convenience Facility, who are suspected of habitually manipulating attendance records during their social service."

Person A stated in this petition, “Although Song Min-ho has a duty to faithfully perform his ‘military service duty’ according to the Constitution of the Republic of Korea and the Military Service Act, the fact that ‘suspicions of habitual poor service’ were raised during his service as a social service agent is an issue that should be thoroughly investigated by the police, not the Military Manpower Administration itself.”

He continued, “We hope that the Mapo Police Station will thoroughly investigate Song Min-ho for violating Article 89 (Desertion of Service by Social Service Agents, etc.) Clause 1 of the Military Service Act and that person A and others responsible for violating Article 122 (Dereliction of Duty) of the Criminal Act, and root out all suspicions without leaving any trace. We strongly urge that they be severely punished if any illegal activities are revealed.”

The complaint has been assigned to Mapo Police Station, and a response to the request for investigation is expected.

According to Dispatch, Song Min-ho, who works as a social service worker at Mapo Community Service Center, is suspected of not properly reporting to work after leaving for a 5-night, 6-day trip to Hawaii, USA on October 31.

The media said that based on reports such as "Song Min-ho hasn't gone to work properly since March" and "He shows up sometimes, gives the (work) sign, and then disappears," they visited the facility more than 10 times from early November to early December, but Song Min-ho was not caught going to work even once.

In addition, there were suspicions of a special relationship between Song Min-ho and his superior, B, as they took care of his convenience. The facility explained that Song Min-ho was on 'sick leave', 'annual leave', and 'hospitalized'.

Song Min-ho began his military service as a social service worker in March of last year and is scheduled to be discharged on the 23rd of this month.

Song Min-ho was already embroiled in suspicions of poor service when he was caught with long, dyed hair while serving as a social service worker.

Song Min-ho’s agency YG Entertainment stated, “It is difficult to confirm the details regarding the artist’s military service,” and “However, the reason for the sick leave is that it is an extension of the treatment he was receiving before his military service, and all other vacation days were used in accordance with the regulations.”

■ Below is the full text of the petition for investigation of Song Min-ho

According to Article 39, Paragraph 1 of the Constitution of the Republic of Korea, all citizens shall have the duty of national defense as prescribed by law, and according to Article 3, Paragraph 1 (Military Service Obligation) of the Military Service Act currently in effect, male citizens of the Republic of Korea shall faithfully perform their military service obligations as prescribed by the Constitution of the Republic of Korea and the Military Service Act.

According to Article 89-2 (Defection from Service by Social Service Workers, etc.) of the Military Service Act, any person who falls under any of the following subparagraphs shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than 3 years, and Subparagraph 1 stipulates that “a person who is a social service worker, art/sports worker, or alternative service worker and has deserted from service for a total of 8 days or more without justifiable cause or has not served in the relevant field.”

According to Article 122 (Dereliction of Duty) of the Criminal Act, if a public official refuses to perform his or her duties or abandons his or her duties without justifiable cause, he or she shall be punished by imprisonment or detention for not more than one year or suspension of qualification for not more than three years.

On the 12th, the six opposition parties, including the Democratic Party of Korea, submitted a “second impeachment motion” against President Yoon Seok-yeol to the National Assembly, stating, “The people are the masters of the country, and the president is a servant of the entire nation. All power comes from the people. The people of the Republic of Korea will not forgive the president’s actions that betray the trust of the people. The people of the Republic of Korea wish to confirm the principles of popular sovereignty, democracy, and the rule of law of the democratic republic through this impeachment.”

Just as the incumbent president elected by the people of the Republic of Korea was suspended from his duties through a vote in the National Assembly plenary session on the 14th, holding him responsible for the unconstitutional and illegal 'martial law declaration', he should also be held strictly accountable for acts that lower the morale of the soldiers responsible for the security of the country.

The social service agent system is a service system that recognizes the completion of military service by having one work for a certain period of time in a field necessary for the performance of public interest purposes, such as in national organizations, local governments, public organizations, and social welfare facilities, in order to impose military service obligations without exception based on the principle of universal conscription and to utilize surplus military service resources efficiently.

Song Mino, a member of the idol group Winner, is under an obligation to faithfully perform his military service obligations according to the Constitution of the Republic of Korea and the Military Service Act. However, suspicions have been raised that he habitually falsified his attendance records while serving as a social service agent. It is believed that this is an issue that should be thoroughly investigated by the police, not the Military Manpower Administration itself.

Accordingly, we urge the Seoul Mapo Police Station to thoroughly investigate the charges of violation of Article 89-2 (Defection of Social Service Agents, etc.) Clause 1 of the Military Service Act by Winner member Song Mino and the charges of violation of Article 122 (Dereliction of Duty) of the Criminal Act by Mr. L, the person in charge of Mapo Community Welfare Facility, etc., so as to root out the case without leaving even an inch of doubt. We also strongly urge that, if any illegal activities are revealed, they be severely punished.


Author y8Zebra997

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