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[All] Zero Base One Kim Ji Woong ‘Stand by me’
Stay by my side just as you are now
Always like the blue sky
So that I can see you when I'm feeling down
Just like the first feeling that was full of excitement
Fill me up
So that I can always lean on you when I'm lacking
Even if the cold winter comes
If I could hold your warm hands
My heart would melt
How did I become you?
Did you embrace the world and come to like it?
Your appearance is so beautiful
You are not the one who shines a bright star when it's dark
Embrace me like a warm breeze
It's okay to be lonely and scared
Because you are always by my side
Just as it is
How did I come to embrace the world called you?
Did you like it?
Your appearance is so beautiful
You are not the one who shines a bright star when it's dark
Embrace me like a warm breeze
It's okay to be lonely and scared
Because you are always by my side
The lyrics are so good haha
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