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[소통] SM's aespa and EXO's Suho sue YouTuber SOJANG for spreading false information
aespa and EXO SUHO sue YouTuber SOJANG for spreading false information
Originally, it was known that SOJANG had already been sued by IVE's Jang Won-young and BTS.
SOJANG said her identity would not be revealed, but her identity was eventually revealed through the investigation.
She showed her face to attend the trial, and fans and reporters chased her.
The photo above is what she looks like.
Because she was wearing a mask, her exact face was not revealed, but people filmed her running away.
As I said earlier, it has become even more of a hot topic as it became known that SM sued SOJANG.
SM announced that it had sued SOJANG for spreading false information about EXO Suho and aespa, and expressed its opinion that it would protect the rights of artists in the future.
People said SOJANG would face even bigger fines.
I hope she gets a big punishment and reflects on her actions.
작성자 ywVervetMonkey995
신고글 SM's aespa and EXO's Suho sue YouTuber SOJANG for spreading false information
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