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[소통] fromis_9 is comeback! Supersonic 2024 album, MV, concept etc
2024.08.15 23:55
조회 129추천 0스크랩 0
Did you guys know that fromis_9 is comeback ?!
They are comeback with concept like summer vacation
Their outfits are also cool in red!
Their album name is Supersonic~~😍😍🔥
It's a very colorful and pretty album. This time too, an album was produced for each member.
I really want Baek Ji-heon's album🙏💦
Supersonic MV has surpassed 10 million views! I'm so proud of them ❤️❤️❤️
Please watch a lot so that we can reach 100 million views!!
작성자 ywVervetMonkey995
신고글 fromis_9 is comeback! Supersonic 2024 album, MV, concept etc
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