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[소통] LESSERAFIM HongEunchae apologizes for mocking school students At LE SSERAFIM's comeback showcase

As a fan, I felt relieved when Eunchae talked about the recent controversy during LE SSERAFIM's showcase for their mini album Crazy


르세라핌 홍은채, 말실수 논란 “깊게 생각 못 해, 더 신중한 모습 보여줄 것” - 스포츠경향

The issue was about some comments she made during a live stream that upset some students. 

At the showcase, she apologized, saying, I didn't realize how my words might affect others because I was just chatting casually with fans.


I should have been more careful. 

I didn't think deeply enough, and I'm sorry for my immature behavior and for disappointing everyone. 

From now on, I'll be more responsible and thoughtful.



고3 조롱한 홍은채 "팬 조롱"? - YouTube

The controversy was that she saids "You all go to school for a long time. It must be hard." Then,  she mentioned that she didn't really understand studying at school. 

Her comments upset a lot of younger fans, who felt she was making fun of students.


실력 논란에 눈물 쏟더니... 르세라핌 홍은채, 깜짝 근황

I'm glad she apologized. 

Some adults might not have been bothered by what she said, but it's clear that younger fans were. Apologizing was the right thing to do.


Even though some teens have been harsh in their criticism on Instagram and TikTok, I think her apology was a good step. It shows she's willing to learn and grow.



Now that Eunchae has apologized, I hope people will stop leaving hateful comments...


작성자 sjNarwhal707

신고글 LESSERAFIM HongEunchae apologizes for mocking school students At LE SSERAFIM's comeback showcase

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