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[전체] HyunA and Yong Junhyung get married in October (+ wedding hall, Agency responds..)


Hyuna and Yong Jun-hyung are getting married ! 

When i saw this news, i thought hyuna has broken up with him.. but it is news of marriage 😅

This is soooo disappointing for me...


An entertainment insider who is an acquaintance of Hyuna published an article saying that they recently decided to get married.

The wedding hall is a traditional Korean wedding hall. It is said to be a hall with tight security.


Who would have thought they would become a couple?

I think they will be the fourth idol couple😄


Hyuna is 32 years old and Yong Junhyung is 34 years old.

There are also rumors circulating in the Korean community that Hyuna is pregnant 🙀

I hope it's just a rumor😭

And I feel so sorry for Dawn... but if she decides to get married, I hope she lives well.


Agencies have stated they are still in the process of verifying details..

남자 아이돌 배너.png

작성자 ywVervetMonkey995

신고글 HyunA and Yong Junhyung get married in October (+ wedding hall, Agency responds..)

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