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[소통] KAKAO selling SM? (+K-netizens gussing who will buy SM)

Kakao is going to sell most of its entertainment company, including Kakao Entertainment and SM Entertainment


1조원 베팅할 만”…SM이 카카오에 '황금알 낳는 거위'인 까닭 - 디지털데일리


In early 2023, Kakao acquired a 39.87% stake in SM Entertainment, becoming the largest shareholder. 

However, they are now facing legal issues related to stock manipulation allegations. 


카카오 김범수, 이재용 제치고 한국 최고부자 등극"<블룸버그> | 연합뉴스

This has led to rumors that Kakao might be looking to sell SM Entertainment.


K-netizens are also expressing their opinions on who might buy SM Entertainment from Kakao



<Because of the entertainment business, KakaoBank is at risk of suffering significant losses. Naturally, they might have to shut down all their entertainment ventures.>



<Entertainment isn't that important anyway. In any case, whether they sell or not, it probably won't have a significant impact on SM artists.>


<If the options are between China and Saudi Arabia, Saudi Arabia is definitely much better.>



남자 아이돌 배너.png

작성자 sjNarwhal707

신고글 KAKAO selling SM? (+K-netizens gussing who will buy SM)

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