[전체] Kim Ye Ji sport shooter wins hearts worldwide Olympic like action movie star


Air pistol silver medalist Kim Ye-ji is becoming a worldwide sensation.

Because the way she shoots guns is so cool, like an action movie star.


머스크도 반하고 BBC도 인정한 김예지···“올림픽에서 가장 멋진 선수” - 스포츠경향 | 뉴스배달부


CNN reported that the hat and glasses worn by Kim Ye-ji are merely functional accessories in shooting, but they would not look out of place on a street fashion-inspired runway 😄


Tweets saying she looked like a movie character were also popular on social media.






She is 31 years old, married and has a daughter.

I think she's such a cool person 😍😍😍

테마 배너.png

작성자 ywVervetMonkey995

신고글 Kim Ye Ji sport shooter wins hearts worldwide Olympic like action movie star

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