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Happiest Birthday to our ever lovely, caring, hardworking and passionate leader, Nam Yejun!
I can think of a hundred reasons why I love him. He always care towards his member. Without him, there will be no PLAVE that's why I thank him very much. He is very talented that you will think "oh? There's actually a person that's the talent is beyond the word 'talent'?". He always thinks of PLLIs, whenever he do his bubble updates like everyday it feels like you are talking to your very long time friend. You know the type of friend that you grew up together with? That's the feeling! Regardless he's busy or not, he will always find time to update the fans, thank them for being born, thank them for loving plave and always reminds us how great person we are. That's why I love him beyond his avatar.
Thank you very much for being our NAM YEJUN of PLAVE!
Belated Happy Birthday once again my mandu!
작성자 abouthamin
신고글 Belated Happy Birthday YEJUN! 🎂
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