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[소통] NCT's Jaehyun solo debut album, release date, concepts, fanmeeting
NCT's Jaehyun solo debut is coming!!
i'm so happy that i can suppport his sole album
NCT's Jaehyun solo album will be released in August 12th
Jaehyun's hint in Bubble was so cute.
But the comeback is next week and we still don't have a schedule or concept photos...
The company's preparations are a bit disappointing.
Even the comeback date was announced by Jaehyun himself😭
SM, do your job properly!
We don't know what concept they'll come back with yet,
but looking at the photos from the recent fan meeting, the dark and sexy concept suits them well!
I'm so excited to see what kind of song Jaehyun will debut with as a solo.
I'll share more updates as the schedule gets updated!
작성자 sjNarwhal707
신고글 NCT's Jaehyun solo debut album, release date, concepts, fanmeeting
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