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[소통] NCT DREAM Rains in Heaven Comeback, Schedule, album, concept, lyrics etc
NCT DREAM is Comeback in August~!!!
1) NCT DREAM album
Album Name is "Rains in Heaven"!
On August 9, SM Entertainment officially announced NCT DREAM’s plans to release a new English-language single called “Rains in Heaven” later this month.
2) NCT DREAM album concept
“Rains in Heaven,” is described as an 1980s-style pop song with an emotional synth sound. Notably, NCT DREAM leader Mark co-wrote the lyrics for the song, which offers a warm message of comfort to its listeners.
In a Weverse live held on August 8th, the day before the official announcement of the release of the US single, the fact that the US single contained at least two songs, the album name and title song 'Rains in Heaven' were spoiled, and a part of the sound source was briefly revealed.
3) NCT DREAM Comeback Schedule
“Rains in Heaven,” which will be released digitally on August 23 at 1 p.m. KST.
lyrics will be released in August 23 at 1 p.m. too!
작성자 ywVervetMonkey995
신고글 NCT DREAM Rains in Heaven Comeback, Schedule, album, concept, lyrics etc
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