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[소통] NCT Taeil leaves nct bc of sexual crime?

As a fan, it's disheartening to share the news that Taeil has decided to leave NCT bc of sexual crime.


NCT 메인보컬 태일, 성범죄 피소… SM “사안 엄중해 팀 탈퇴”

SM Entertainment recently announced that Taeil is stepping down from the group following an accusation related to a sexual crime, though the specifics of the case have not been disclosed. 




The agency has emphasized the seriousness of the situation and mentioned that after careful discussions, it was agreed that Taeil would no longer continue with the group's activities. 

Taeil is fully cooperating with the ongoing police investigation. 


태일(NCT) (r1030 판) - 나무위키

As a fan, I can't forgive Taeil for committing such a crime. 

I hope he undergoes a proper investigation and receives the punishment he deserves. 

The time I spent waiting for him because he was unwell feels wasted now.

남자 아이돌 배너.png

작성자 sjNarwhal707

신고글 NCT Taeil leaves nct bc of sexual crime?

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