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[소통] Is NewJeans disbanding in 2024?

Is NewJeans disbanding in 2024..?? 😭


I'm so nervous that NewJeans will break up.

I can't understand the HYBE that is harassing them!!



These girls are happy and satisfied with their work while pursuing music activities... 

I don't understand how HYBE doesn't support them and instead makes things difficult for them.


BSH will destroy NJ. It is known. We have to make him stop.


I believe the NewJeans will not break up, but what worries me is that their break is likely to be prolonged.


NewJeans wants MHJ back, but HYBE may not listen.

What happens after that? I'm curious what you think 😔

남자 아이돌 배너.png

작성자 ywVervetMonkey995

신고글 Is NewJeans disbanding in 2024?

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