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[소통] Is it true that ILLIT manager told members to ignore NewJeans Hanni?

Recently, NewJeans Hanni shared a sad experience on a livestream 

뉴진스 긴급 라이브 "25일까지 민희진 어도어 대표로 돌려놔라"


She recounted an incident where, while waiting alone on the 4th floor of their building, she overheard a manager from another group instructing their team to ignore her. 

Hanni expressed her confusion and distress about why she was treated this way.


포토] 뉴진스 하니, '귀욤하니~'


This revelation has sparked speculation among fans, with many wondering if ILLIT’s manager was involved or if it was someone from a different group. 

아일릿, 데뷔 한 달 만에 美 빌보드 '핫 100' 91위…K팝 데뷔곡 최초 | 연합뉴스

Comments on ILLIT’s latest YouTube video are filled with questions like, “Who was the manager who told them to ignore Hanni?” and “Was it ILLIT’s manager?” Some fans are urging others not to jump to conclusions without more information.


It’s disheartening to see Hanni go through this, and i'm so concerned. i am hoping that NewJeans and Hanni won’t be affected by such negativity and are rallying to support them during this unsettling time.

남자 아이돌 배너.png

작성자 sjNarwhal707

신고글 Is it true that ILLIT manager told members to ignore NewJeans Hanni?

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