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[공지] 💡How to use the translation feature of FanPlus

Hello this is FanPlus Team😄


A new translation function has been added to FanPlus!

Let me tell you how to use the translation feature.


1) Click the globe icon at the top!


💡How to use the translation feature of FanPlus





2) Select System Language and Translate Language that you want


💡How to use the translation feature of FanPlus


System Language

Translating the language of the menus on the site

System Language is applied immediately upon set!


(ex. Book Marks, Notice etc.)


💡How to use the translation feature of FanPlus

Translate Language

Translating the language of the posts or comments on the site

Translation language is applied by clicking the translate icon next to the post or comment!


(ex. title, content etc..)

💡How to use the translation feature of FanPlus






3) When there is a post or comment you want to translate, click the translate icon!


Post translation icon is located next to the title.

💡How to use the translation feature of FanPlus


Comment translation icon is located next to Nickname.

💡How to use the translation feature of FanPlus


*When activated, it is displayed in red.

💡How to use the translation feature of FanPlus


 4) Communicate freely with people from various countries through the translation feature!


Please stay tuned and contact us (FanPlus settings > Contact us) if you have any questions.


Thank you for using FanPlus❤️

FanPlus Team



작성자 팬플러스FanPlus

신고글 💡How to use the translation feature of FanPlus

사유 선택
  • 욕설/비하 발언
  • 음란성
  • 홍보성 콘텐츠 및 도배글
  • 개인정보 노출
  • 특정인 비방
  • 기타

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