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[소통] SEVENTEEN's Mingyu club visiting? (+brought girls in his table,ideal type)

netizen exposed a series of text messages exchanged with a club MD

that SEVENTEEN's Mingyu went club several time!


세븐틴 민규, 극심한 허리 통증으로 활동 비상 "건강이 최우선" [공식입장]


The MD sent a video of Mingyu allegedly at his table.




also they are talking about girls

that hang out with SEVENTEEN's Mingyu!




according to kakaotalk 

They asked for girls to be brought to their table, and then they chose to let them stay or go

his type is someone who have big eyes, noes, lips

The same MD said SEVENTEEN's Mingyu visited on June 5, 2024, as well, the day before a public holiday in South Korea.


Mingyu is an adult, and I don't think fans have the right to tell him what to do about his recent club visit!

남자 아이돌 배너.png

작성자 sjNarwhal707

신고글 SEVENTEEN's Mingyu club visiting? (+brought girls in his table,ideal type)

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