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When is SEVENTEEN members Miliary enilstment?
S.Coups is exempt from the military due to an injury,
and Jeonghan is scheduled to enlist in the second half of 2024.
The exact date of enlistment is not yet known, but it is said that he will not be active starting in October 😭
Hoshi said last time that members born in 1996 would not enlist in the military this year.
If so, Jun, Hoshi, Wonwoo, and Woozi are not expected to enlist this year.
(There is a possibility of joining the military... maybe🙄)
Dino and Wonwoo also have to enlist, but when will they do so? It's not predictable 😶
I want them to enlist together and be discharged together.
Of course, that won't be easy...
whenever I hear enlistment news, my heart sinks a bit 😭😭😭
What do you guys think?
작성자 ywVervetMonkey995
신고글 When is Seventeen members military enlistment?
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