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[소통] Taemin Launching Clothing Brand? (+ Fans Uncover Evidence at Solo Comeback Exhibition)
SHINee's Taemin might be gearing up to launch his own clothing line!
according to fan speculation.
During Taemin's solo comeback exhibitionfans had the chance to purchase exclusive merchandise, including an 'Eternal' t-shirt.
On the tag of the t-shirt, fans discovered a QR code that leads to a website
The site is described as a "shopping mall" offering a range of fashion items such as outerwear, tops, dresses, bottoms, and accessories.
Additionally, there's an official Instagram account for a brand called TAEM,
further hinting that taemin Launching Clothing Brand
A few lucky fans who won a lucky draw event at the exhibit were even given a sneak peek of some 'TAEM' products, suggesting that the taemin's brand launch could be on the horizon.
작성자 sjNarwhal707
신고글 Taemin Launching Clothing Brand? (+ Fans Uncover Evidence at Solo Comeback Exhibition)
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